COVID-19 Update for Jan. 7: What you need to know about safety measures as shops and labs resume
Posted: Jan 7, 2022 10:18 AM
| Updated: Mar 10, 2022 1:49 PM
As we welcome students and staff to campus for labs and shops starting next week, we continue to follow public health guidance and evidence, and take steps to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 on our campuses.
We have put in place enhanced safety measures on our campuses, including
- limiting the number of people on campus
- all lecture and theory classes have moved online until at least January 21
- request people come to campus only for scheduled in-person labs and shops, or to access one of the few services open on campus and leave immediately afterwards, and use online collaboration tools for group work
- introducing face shields in shops and labs where appropriate
- where possible, reducing class/cohort sizes and increasing distancing
This is in addition to the strong safety measures already in place on our campuses, including
- the requirement for students who need to come to campus and all staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have an approved accommodation
- the requirement to wear masks in all indoor public spaces
- physical distancing in common areas and, where possible, in shops and labs
- enhanced filtration systems and increased air circulation
NAIT’s Rapid Response Planning Framework clearly outlines how we will respond to cases impacting the campus community. With the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19 continuing to spread rapidly in Alberta, we anticipate more members of the campus community will test positive.
Wear a well-constructed, well-fitting mask
Proper use of a well-constructed, well-fitting mask, combined with other safety measures, can help protect you and others from COVID-19. Medical-grade masks and respirators, such as N95s, are recommended by public health agencies. Other acceptable masks include properly worn three-layer cloth masks.
Shop AT NAIT will be selling medical-grade masks and respirators for staff and students to purchase at or near cost.
Please visit the mask page on our COVID-19 website for more information.
Stay home when sick
We remind the NAIT community to follow provincial direction to stay home if you’re sick, self-isolate and get tested if advised. Coming to campus when you are sick or have tested positive for COVID-19 puts others at risk. If you begin to feel unwell while on campus, go home immediately.
Stay home until you are symptom-free, even if you have tested negative for COVID-19. This is a legal requirement under provincial Public Health Order 01-2022.
Let your instructor or supervisor know you will be absent so they can support you in making up any work that you miss due to illness or mandatory isolation.
If you test positive
Complete a COVID-19 incident report through myCority if you test positive for COVID-19. Submitting a report through myCority will send it directly to NAIT Health Services. A nurse will follow up with you. This is required by anyone who has been on campus or at a work placement site within the previous 14 days.
You are legally required to isolate if you test positive.
- If you are fully vaccinated, you are required to isolate for a minimum of 5 days from the start of symptoms or until they resolve (whichever is longer).
- If you are not fully vaccinated, you are required to isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms or until they resolve (whichever is longer).
If you are unsure of your requirement to isolate, contact 811 for information and clarification. Alternately, you can contact NAIT Health Services at 780.471.8733 or
Do your part to slow the spread
Everyone is responsible for helping prevent the spread of COVID-19, both on and off campus. Be sure to
- stay home when you are sick
- get your COVID-19 vaccine booster shot as soon as you are eligible
- wear a well-constructed, well-fitting mask
- maintain 2 metres of physical distance in common areas and as much distance as possible in learning spaces
- follow area-specific safety protocols
- follow public health measures
Before coming to campus, follow the Coming to Campus checklist and complete the AHS COVID-19 Self-Assessment.
Complete safety training and COVID-19 declaration
Winter term students are required to complete a COVID-19 Declaration for Students – acknowledging their responsibility to follow NAIT and provincial requirements – and COVID-19 Awareness Training for Students no later than January 12, 2022.
This is required of all students, whether you are coming to campus or learning online, even if you have completed the training in a previous term.
Staff must complete the COVID-19 Awareness Training for Staff and COVID-19 Responsibility Declaration annually.
Thank you
We will continue to monitor the progression of the pandemic and will adjust our safety measures as required. As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we respond to the ever-changing realities of COVID-19.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our campuses safe, healthy and kind for everyone. We appreciate that Omicron has added additional uncertainty and are aware of the toll the continued stress can have on our well-being and mental health. We encourage you to reach out for any support you need.
You can find the latest information on NAIT’s response to COVID-19 at We will continue to communicate to the NAIT community as we have new information to share.
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