Emergency Wardens
Posted: Dec 8, 2020 6:55 PM
| Updated: Feb 13, 2024 1:43 PM
Modified: Feb 13, 2024 1:43 PM
NAIT Emergency Wardens
NAIT’s Emergency Warden program trains all employees to coordinate the safe and rapid movement of people during emergencies.
There are two types of wardens: Emergency Wardens (Employees) and Chief Emergency Wardens (NAIT Protective Services).
Emergency Wardens
- All employees at NAIT are trained and act as Emergency Wardens in the case of an evacuation due to an emergency.
Chief Emergency Wardens
- NAIT Protective Services (NPS) acts as the Chief Emergency Wardens during an evacuation. NPS will liaise with first responders and all issues with evacuations should be reported to them promptly.
- Supervisors ensure that all employees in their area have completed training and that there is always someone available to help sweep areas if an evacuation occurs during business hours.
People Requiring Assistance
- If someone may require assistance if there is an evacuation, they are responsible for completing the People Requiring Assistance Toolkit.
For Instructors and Facilitators
You play an essential role in an emergency
As leaders in your classrooms, you can influence how your students and audiences respond in an emergency. Giving clear and collected directions will ensure your students and audiences remain calm. Be prepared for an emergency by planning ahead, taking charge, staying informed and providing information to your students and audiences.
Before an emergency - Plan ahead
- Make sure you have taken the EMB600: Emergency Warden Program online training so you understand your role and responsibilities.
- Share information about NAIT Alert, NAIT’s emergency notification system. Let your students know they can receive emergency notifications from NAIT by downloading the NAIT Alert mobile app. Ask them to share the app with friends and family. Direct students to NAIT's Emergency website, to learn more.
- Read the emergency event instructions. Provide your class or audience with general information on emergency event instructions during the first week of class or at the start of a seminar/event. (Emergency event instructions are available near the door in every classroom and on NAIT's Emergency website.)
- Know and share evacuation plans and emergency meeting point locations (information specific to your location is available near the door in every classroom). Be sure to communicate the location of the assembly/meeting point(s) to your class and/or audience.
- Use these evacuation plans to identify primary and alternate evacuation routes from your classroom.
- Pre-identify EXIT signs, visible in hallways and above doors in larger classrooms, to locate primary and secondary exit routes from your classroom.
- Know how to report an emergency from your location.
- Ensure that people who may need assistance have the information they need and that you can direct them.
- Take your personal belongings (laptop, keys, wallet, purse, coat and cellphone) to classes and meetings.
During an emergency - Take charge
- Take charge of your classroom or event space and follow emergency event instructions for all building alarms and emergency situations. Emergency event instructions are posted in classrooms and on NAIT’s Emergency website.
- Account for your students/audiences where possible.
- If evacuating, wait until all the students/guests have left the room. Close the doors after everyone has left; Do NOT lock the doors.
- Do NOT bring water/coffee/drinks out of the room in order to prevent spills which may become slipping hazards for others.
- At the emergency meeting point, ask students to verify that the classmates seated next to them are present.
- All staff are emergency wardens. Your role is to support emergency responders, manage crowds and lead members of the NAIT community to safety. They need your support. NAIT Protective Services Staff are considered Chief Emergency Wardens, so report to them any issues or concerns at the emergency meeting point (EMP).
- Check common areas (washrooms, lounges, study areas, etc.) to ensure no one is left in the building.
- Share and reinforce messages from chief emergency wardens with your students or audiences.
- Identify and provide the last location for any persons who were unable to evacuate to the chief emergency wardens or external first responders.
- Assign students/participants to assist anyone needing help.
- Take your personal belongings with you.
- Follow emergency notifications on emergency.nait.ca.
After an emergency - Provide information and stay informed
- If you have information about the emergency, notify NAIT Protective Services (Chief Emergency Wardens) and/or emergency responders at the scene.
- Try to let your department know your location and situation.
- Advise chief emergency wardens of any injured or missing individuals.