COVID-19 Update for Dec. 16: What to do if you test positive over winter break
Posted: Dec 16, 2020 8:32 AM
| Updated: Dec 16, 2020 2:56 PM
Starting Dec. 24, NAIT will be closed for winter break. Most services will also be closed on Dec. 23, including the Student Service Centre. On Jan. 4 our campuses will reopen to staff, students and visitors, and we need to make sure it’s a healthy start for all.
Although campus will be closed over the holidays, it’s still important that we’re informed if a member of the NAIT community who was on campus over the previous 14 days tests positive for COVID-19.
If you test positive for COVID-19 over the holidays
If you test positive for COVID-19 please complete a COVID-19 Incident Report (PDF) and email it to This form is an important tool as we determine potential impact to our community and so we can help you in your safe return to campus.
If you’re sick after winter break
If, on your first scheduled day back on campus, you are sick with any core symptoms of COVID-19 or are in quarantine or isolation as per direction from Alberta Health Services (AHS), you are legally required to stay home. Coming to campus while sick puts others at risk.
Please notify your instructor or supervisor that you will not be in attendance; they will work with you to manage your absence. If you are sick or have tested positive, make sure you complete the COVID-19 Incident Report (PDF) and email it to
Returning to campus
A member of the Health Services team will be in contact with you as soon as possible to gather more information and determine when you can safely return to campus, following AHS guidelines.
Help us keep NAIT a safe place to learn and work
Safety is a shared responsibility, and we all need to do our part. All staff and students must do the following before coming to campus:
Learn more about how NAIT is keeping our campuses safe at
All the best for a healthy start to 2021.
Josh Bowen
Director, Relaunch Coordination Team
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