COVID-19 Update for April 27: Learn what is changing about NAIT’s response to COVID-19 and what will remain the same
Posted: Apr 27, 2022 1:41 PM
| Updated: May 5, 2022 9:29 AM
NAIT is evolving how we manage our response to the COVID-19 pandemic now that most public health measures have lifted and as we learn to live with COVID-19. On May 1, the COVID-19 Coordinated Response Team will deactivate and transfer remaining activities to relevant business units. The COVID-19 Advisory Committee will meet in August and December to discuss any outstanding tasks or issues.
Here is what you need to know about our response to COVID-19 going forward:
- Risk Management Services will continue monitoring and responding to COVID-19 and will meet with required stakeholders in August or if public health direction changes.
- Emergency Management and Business Continuity will monitor Government of Alberta guidelines and regulations for any changes that may impact NAIT.
- Health, Safety and Environment will continue monitoring Alberta OHS legislation for impacts to COVID-19 response.
- Health Services will continue receiving and tracking all COVID-19 positive incident reports from staff and students to identify trends and potential risk to the NAIT community. Current case management practices, as outlined in the Rapid Response Planning Framework, will be discontinued once Alberta moves into step 3 of the Government of Alberta’s plan to phase out public health measures and removes the mandatory isolation requirement for those who test positive.
The following requirements and measures remain in place:
- RCT-100 COVID Awareness Training will continue to be required for at least the spring and summer terms. All staff who have not taken this training in the 2021/22 academic year must do so. Students are required to take this training at the start of each term.
- Declarations will continue to be required until further notice. All staff should complete the declaration by May 13 and forward the email confirming you have completed the declaration to your supervisor.
- The Communicable Diseases Hazard Assessment, which outlines hazard controls for departments, jobs, tasks and workplaces, should be completed by areas as soon as possible if it has not been updated since mid-March, when the most recent version was published.
- Enhanced ventilation and use of MERV filters will continue on campus. We will return to a standard cleaning schedule after winter term.
- We strongly recommend wearing a mask in indoor public spaces on NAIT campuses and facilities. Masks continue to be available for purchase in the bookstore, and will be made available for free to staff who wish to continue using them.
- Staff and students should stay home when they are sick. Staff should continue using casual/general illness for COVID-19 sickness or isolation. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 and has been on campus in the previous 14 days should complete a COVID-19 incident report through myCority.
- We continue to encourage everyone coming to our campuses to be fully vaccinated and to get their booster shots as soon as they are eligible. Vaccination against COVID-19 remains the best way to prevent severe illness and death, and booster shots can prolong immunity to improve protection and limit spread.
Safety is a shared responsibility. All of us have a role to play in supporting a safe campus community by following provincial health measures and NAIT’s health and safety requirements and practices – stay home when sick, and we strongly recommend getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in indoor public spaces on NAIT campuses.
Thank you to the NAIT community for all your efforts in keeping our campuses safe.
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COVID-19 Update for April 27: Learn what is changing about NAIT’s response to COVID-19 and what will remain the same
COVID-19 Coordinated Response Team will deactivate on May 1
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